Can you believe it’s finally coming out?
We waited months and months, and now it’s delayed again! I’m talking about the release date of the movie, The Lovely Bones, which is based on the best-seller by Alice Sebold.
I was excited to learn that it was to be released on my birthday, this past December 11th; however, the release has been pushed back yet again to January 15, 2010.
The movie’s director is none other than Peter Jackson, of The Lord of the Rings trilogy that exploded into theaters several years ago. LOTR was such a phenomenon that it put Jackson on the directorial map for good.
Once Jackson read The Lovely Bones, he was so intrigued and inspired by the story that he immediately bought the movie rights, not allowing any other contestants a chance to bid. After months of filming in rural Pennsylvania, the movie was sent to post-production and then screened by test audiences.
Apparently, the studio had geared all of its publicity toward an adult audience, yet the movie did not strike a chord with this demographic. Instead, it received high ratings amongst teenage girls and very young woman. Perhaps this is the delay, is the movie studio back to square one in regard to publicity?
Whatever happened, I am glad that this novel is adapted to the screen, and I can’t wait to see it, even though I’m not a young girl anymore (sadly enough).
In the interest of not spoiling the plot for those of our literary travelers who haven’t read the novel, all I have to say is be prepared for an emotional ride, whether reading The Lovely Bones or watching it on the big screen.
Happy Holidays!